
Welcome to Canneseries Live

Extend the festival online!

Walk along the Croisette with your avatar using the arrows on your keyboard or by pressing and keeping your finger on the left button of your mouse. You can visit the many iconic places of the festival to access rendez-vous and other exclusive contents.

Extend the festival online!

Walk along the Croisette with your avatar using the tactile pad. You can visit the many iconic places of the festival to access rendez-vous and other exclusive contents.

Jared Harris

From Mad Men to Chernobyl, Fringe, The Crown or The Terror, Jared Harris has already left his mark on television. The characters he played moved us and are stuck in our minds. The British actor has explored the darkest and most inspirational sides of humanity, with exceptional nuance and humour. Having a conversation with him is like unveiling the secrets of acting.