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Short Form Competition

Claire and the elderly

Canada - 2020
Claire et les vieux
Edith Morin, Patrick Bilodeau, Sarah Pellerin, Charles Grenier
Hours 11 October 11:00 - 11:15

Season 1 - 6x10-13' ⎮ International Premiere
In French with English & French subtitles
Ep. 1

After a call to 911 to save her addict mother, Claire, 9 years old, is taken by social services. She quickly ends up with the only relative she has left: her grand-mother Pauline, who lives in a seniors’ residence.


Technical sheet

© UGO Media 2020

Original Title
Claire et les vieux

Written by
Sarah Pellerin

Directed by
Charles Grenier

Shawn Pavlin

Charles Grenier

Pierre-Philippe Côté

Irlande Côté, Muriel Dutil, Bénédicte Décary, Reda Guerinik, Dominique Quesnel, Raymond Cloutier, Marie Eykel, Réjean Lefrançois, Béatrice Picard, Céline Cossette, Catherine Renaud

UGO Media

Radio-Canada Solutions Média / CBC Media Solutions
HG Distribution

UNIS TV and ICI Tou.tv (Radio-Canada)