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Short Form Competition

Zero Day

United States, France - 2020
Zero Day
Hours 13 October 20:00 - 20:15

Season 1 - 30x2' | World Premiere
In English with English & French subtitles
Ep. 1 - 5 at Lumière, Ep. 6 - 11 at Miramar (Ep. 1 - 11 on CANNESERIES LIVE)

Zero Day is a series of diverse, genre-bending shorts that will leave you on the edge of your seat. These bite size thrills range from psychological thriller to horror comedy and everything in between.

Technical sheet

Credits: © 20th Digital Studios

Original Title
Zero Day

Written by
David Bourgie, Peres Owino, Alexandria Collins, Zane Rubin, Angela Tucker, Wanjiru Njendu, Matt Bieler, Gavin Williams, Jacques Kluger, Ben Kegan, Quinn Else, Matthew Irving Epstein, Ben C Lucas

Directed by 
Alexandria Collins, Zane Rubin, Angela Tucker, Wanjiru Njendu, Matt Bieler, Gavin Williams, Jacques Kluger, Ben Kegan, Quinn Else, Matthew Irving Epstein, Ben C Lucas

Scott Coulter, Céline Layous, Bjorn Charpentier, Sean Webley, Anthony Brooks, Bongani Mlambo, Danny Elsen, Tanner Hall, Mego Lin

Mark Lediard, Yiqing Yu, Isaac Chen, Nick Rudman, Jane Geisler, Melanie Annan, John Cantu, Hugo Picazo, Maxx Capps, Chris Levitus, Lexi Benedict

Roma Yagnik, Thierry Diab, Chris Newlin, Edward "Tex" Miller, Dara Taylor, Luke Maurinet, Tony Assi

Ruth Mary Johnson, Daniel Watson, Ben Lediard, Hannah Elder, Babylungs, Bryce Lewis, Sharar Ali-Speakes, Hasaan Hill, Kerrice ‘Reese’ Brooks, Sylvie Preston, Edward Miskie, Japheth Gordon, Kelly Chavers, Aubrey Cleland, Lyndon Hoffman-Lew, Taliyah Simone, KJ Rasheed, Ruby Hayes, Brandin Stennis, Kiarra Beasley, Trinity Moriah Jones, Peres Owino, Robert McGowan, Marie Selepec, Anna D'Annunzio, Rhian Rees, Leon Thomas III, Charlie Hewson, David Theune, Rebekah Wiggins, Brie Carter, Eric Thoms

Twentieth Digital Studio

USR Content

ABC (United States)