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Short Form Competition

First Person

Canada - 2019
First Person
Tyler Levine, Patrice Theroux, Renuka Jeyapalan
Hours 10 October 11:00 - 11:15

Season 1 - 6x6' | World Premiere
In English with English & French subtitles
Ep. 1 & 4 (Ep. 1, 2 & 4 on CANNESERIES LIVE)

First Person is an anthology series adapted from the Globe and Mail column, published daily for the past thirty years. It consists of essays written by readers who have something personal to share in a poignant, funny, enlightening way. Their shared experiences, unique perspectives, and original voices are brought to the screen by young, talented filmmakers who allow them to reach new audiences.

Technical sheet

Credits: © Carousel Pictures

Original Title
First Person

Written by  
Renuka Jeyapalan, Jessie Gabe, Joyce Wong

Directed by  
Renuka Jeyapalan, Joyce Wong, Jessie Gabe

Daniel Grant

Marianna Khoury

Grayson Matthews

Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll, Rayisa Kondracki, Louise Pitre, Joe Matheson, Alexandra Ordolis

Carousel Pictures, Sugar Shack Productions


Radio-Canada – CBC (Canada)