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Short Form Competition

Dog Days

Canada - 2019
Amours d'Occasion
Eva Kabuya
Hours 13 October 15:00 - 15:15

Season 1 - 8x10' | International Premiere
In French & English with English & French subtitles
Ep. 1

As a dizzying heat wave hits Montreal and throws the city into a state of general torpor, the residents of the Saint-Henri neighborhood fall prey to events that reason cannot explain.


Technical sheet

Credits: © Fred Gervais

Original Title
Amours d'Occasion

Written by  
Eva Kabuya, Nicola Lanthier-Rogers, Lindsay Carpentier

Directed by  
Eva Kabuya

Juliette Lossky

Eva Kabuya, Amélie Labrèche, Andrée-Anne Lavoie

Maxime Fortin

Audrey Roger, Sacha Charles, Nate Husser, Mireille Métélus, Mylène Mackay, Sophie Nélisse, Karina Aktouf, Wensi Yan, Claude Bégin, Leila-Tibeault-Lou, Adam Moussamih, Zackary Belharbi, Luc Carl Uzarama

St-Laurent TV

HG Distribution
